How To Prevent Stinging Insect Infestations In Corpus Christi

wasp coming out of nest

Walking in the yard barefoot brings a sense of communion with nature. Taking a stroll without shoes seems to link us with our ancient ancestors. Perhaps you are not one to trek around on your property barefoot but walk barefoot in the house. Whether walking barefoot outside or inside, one pest in Bryan we contend with is the scorpion. Scorpions are not aggressive but will sting if you step on them. 

To be safe from getting stung by a scorpion on your property, you need the Bryan pest control team from EnviroGuard. Our experts have decades of experience with pests like scorpions. 

Types Of Stinging Insects You Could Encounter In Corpus Christi

Stinging insects in Corpus Christi include the following:

  • Yellow jackets
  • Hornets
  • Scorpions
  • Bees

Although many think of yellow jackets and hornets as different stinging insects, they are part of the wasp family. In general, wasps have a pointed body and slender waists. In late summer and early fall, wasps exhibit more aggressive behavior as their nests become crowded. Due to their smooth stinger, most wasps can sting multiple times. 

Although yellow jackets are wasps, they are sometimes mistaken for bees due to their bright yellow and black body. Yellow jackets build their nests inside of walls or inside the ground, and at their peak, a yellow jacket's colony may have nearly 5,000 members. You will encounter yellow jackets around open garbage containers and in the yard where they have built a nest. 

Hornets are wasps with orange-yellow markings. They build their paper-like nests in sheds, hollow trees, and chimneys. Due to their size and loud buzzing, many assume they are aggressive and ready to sting, but actually, they are docile; however, they will deliver a powerful, painful sting if provoked.

Unlike yellow jackets and hornets, which are active during the day, scorpions are busy at night. Scorpions hide under rocks, boards, or other debris in the yard. If threatened, a scorpion will deliver a painful sting resulting in local swelling. 

Texas is home to several bee species such as bumble bees, carpenter bees, mason bees, squash bees, leaf cutter bees, and sweat bees. If you threaten their nests, bees will sting; otherwise, they will leave you alone as they search for nectar.

Five Problems That Stinging Insects Can Cause Around Your Home

The types of stinging insects around your Corpus Christi can cause these problems: 

  1. Allergic reactions to stings
  2. Disruption of outdoor picnics
  3. Terror in small children
  4. Wood damage (Carpenter bees)
  5. Painful stings

Flying insects that sting are responsible for nearly 500,000 visits to the emergency room each year. The eradication of stinging insects from your property by EnviroGuard will protect your family and friends. 

Homeowner's Stinging Insect Prevention Guide

So you can enjoy ocean breezes on your Corpus Christi property, implement these tips to get rid of stinging insects so you can have fun:

  • Seal outdoor trash cans
  • Drain standing water from the property
  • Clean out gutters 
  • Wear protective clothing and close-toed shoes
  • Keep picnic food and drinks covered
  • Avoid sweet-smelling perfumes and colognes
  • Trim the shrubs
  • Remove tree stumps and wood piles from the lawn
  • Mow the grass regularly 

These steps will help prevent the infestation of stinging insects on your property. 

When Should You Call The Professionals To Help?

If you have an abundance of stinging insects on your property, they have nests in your trees, shrubs, weathered wood, under eaves, or in the ground. Safe removal of stinging bugs in Texas requires pest control professionals from EnviroGuard. We will inspect your property, evaluate the situation, recommend a safe and effective strategy to eliminate the pest, and work with you to prevent a future infestation. Contact us today, and let us stop the stinging insects on your property.