The Best Way To Protect Your Lubbock Property From Termites

a bunch of termites crawling on the ground

Pest control is something the property owners around Lubbock are used to. There are plenty of species of creepy-crawly critters that pose threats to properties and human health. One pest that is a common but always unwelcome visitor to properties around the Lubbock area is termites. Small yet mighty, termites can cause massive destruction and damage to properties if left untreated. While it may seem dramatic, termites can completely destroy a home; the damage can be extensive, and often property owners will not know termites are there until it is too late. The professional pest control team at EnviroGuard Pest Control wants all property owners around Lubbock to know what to do in case they suspect a termite infestation. 

Kinds Of Termites In Lubbock 

Termites are very small, very sneaky, and almost silent destroyers of homes, businesses, fences, outbuildings, and more. Every species of termite feeds on cellulose plant-based materials, one of the main materials used in homebuilding. All homes are at risk of termites around Lubbock. Around Lubbock, there are two common termite species that thrive in the hot dry Texas climate. These are drywood termites and subterranean termites. Both are destructive, and both are bad news; however, there are some significant differences between these two species. 

  • Drywood termites - Drywood termites are a creamy white to light brown in color, they are a long oval shape with six legs an antenna. Drywood termites range in size from about 3/8 of an inch to an inch long. Drywood termites can form colonies of over 2500 members and as they infest dry wood, the colonies can be moved to new locations when wooden items they have made themselves at home in are relocated. Drywood termites are incredibly destructive and can chew through just about any type of wood. Once inside a home or building, they will chew through floors, walls, support beams, furniture, and pretty much any wood they can find. Drywood termites have wings and can often be mistaken for carpenter or fire ants, also common pests in the Lubbock area. 
  • Subterranean termites - Subterranean termites are one of, if not the most, destructive of any of the termite species. Subterranean termites do well in the Lubbock area, living underground and building mud tunnels, also called mud tubes, that they travel through to reach food sources while keeping themselves safe from the open air. Subterranean termites eat wood constantly around the clock, part of why they are so destructive. Subterranean termites range in color from creamy white to dark brown or black. They are narrow, oval, and long, with six legs and two antennae. They reach about 1/8 of an inch long and are found throughout the United States. Certain castes of subterranean termites will have wings, such as the reproductive alates, known as swarmers. Subterranean termites have been known to cause entire buildings to collapse as a result of their constant chewing. 

Signs Of Termites  

One common image many people have when they picture termites is that of a termite swarm. Thousands of little bugs appearing seemingly out of nowhere can be a very intimidating sight, especially for homeowners doing repairs or looking to sell; in fact, a termite infestation can derail an entire real estate transaction. Termites will swarm when they are startled or scared, or if their colony gets too large, a swarm will happen, and groups will branch off to start their own colonies. 

Signs of termites vary depending on the species; however, there are a few things homeowners and property owners can look out for if they suspect a termite infestation. 

  • Mud tubes on the exterior of the property
  • Wings or piles of dead termites near window sills doors and other surfaces
  • Piles of termite excrement that often looks like piles of sawdust found near their nest 
  • Discolored or droopy drywall
  • Small holes in drywall
  • New patterns on furniture, hardwood floors, or walls that look like a maze
  • Wood around homes that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Peeling paint that looks like water damage
  • Crumbling and damaged wood
  • Termites flying or crawling around on the property

A termite infestation is a very serious problem for property owners and one that requires immediate attention once it is discovered. Because termites are so small and silent, they often are not found until the problem is quite severe and a lot of damage has been done. There are a few things property owners can do to discourage a termite infestation; however, it is always best to reach out to the termite control professionals, like the team at EnviroGuard Pest Control, to make sure the termite problem and prevention is being properly taken care of. 

Termite Prevention Tips To Keep Termites Away From Your Lubbock Property 

  • Subterranean termites are attracted to moisture, so repairing leaky drains, faucets, and clearing up other areas where moisture gathers around your home will deter this particular species of termite. 
  • Regularly inspect the property for signs of termites and termite attractants. 
  • Seal all cracks, holes, crevices, and other openings that are near your foundation to keep subterranean termites out. Avoiding wood to soil contact also discourages subterranean termites, as they live in the soil and will easily feed on any wood that is in contact with it. 
  • Clear old wood, firewood, or lumber from your yard. 
  • Make sure to regularly inspect and repair areas of rotted wood around homes and fences on the property. 
  • Replace weatherstripping around doors and windows, especially basement areas. 
  • Consult a pest control professional for specific termite prevention tips for your property. 

Call In Professional Help For A Termite Problem 

If you suspect a termite infestation on your Lubbock property, you need to call professional pest control specialists right away. The team at EnviroGuard Pest Control is well experienced in taking care of termites around Texas. Trying to treat a termite infestation on your own is almost impossible, as there are far too many variables in termite behavior and termite treatment options. It's always best to seek out professional help quickly if you have termites on your Lubbock property. Call the team at EnviroGuard today; we can help with any termite concerns you have, as well as all your commercial and residential pest control needs.