What To Do If Bitten By A Tick In Laredo


Tick bites can be a serious matter in Laredo and must be dealt with using proper removal procedures in order to minimize any negative effects. Understanding these methods and investing in professional tick extermination services is the best method for dealing with these pests.

Different Ticks Common To Laredo

Several different ticks are common in the Laredo area. Each one can carry a disease that may infect either yourself or your pets with an illness. That said, not every tick bite results in disease transmission; it is important to keep an eye out for the symptoms we discuss later if you receive a tick bite.

  • Brown Dog Tick – Brown in coloration, with brown legs
  • American Dog Tick – Brown with yellow or grey markings
  • Lone Star Tick – Brown body with a white spot on its back
  • Deer Tick – Black body with black legs

How To Remove A Tick

If a tick has bitten you, there are some steps you should follow to ensure that you remove it as safely as possible, lowering the risk of disease or other bacteria transmission.

  1. Use a pair of clean, fine-pointed tweezers to grip the tick as close to your skin as possible and give you the best chance of pulling it all out at once.
  2. Pull upward on the tick, making sure to use firm, constant pressure. Do not jerk, twist, or tug on the tick in any way and do your best not to crush or puncture the tick’s body.
  3. Once you remove the tick, wash your skin and hands with warm water and soap. You can inspect the bite site to make sure that you removed the entire tick. If the head still remains, have a medical professional remove it.
  4. Dispose of the tick’s body by wrapping it in tape, putting it in a plastic bag, or flushing it down the toilet. Do not crush the tick in any way or handle it directly after removal.

Diseases Transmitted By Ticks

As we mentioned above, several diseases transmitted by ticks can be spread through a tick bite. These diseases include anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Bourbon virus, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, Powassan disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, STARI, alpha-gal syndrome, and tularemia.

If you experience any of the symptoms listed below after a tick bite or have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

  • A rash near the bitten area, a full-body rash, or a bulls-eye shaped rash around the tick bite
  • Pain, swelling, or a burning sensation at the bitten area
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Muscle or joint pain, aches, or weakness
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Blisters
  • Swollen lymph nodes

How To Stop Ticks

If you want to know how to stop ticks, your best option is to invest in tick extermination services for your property. The professional assistance of the experts at EnviroGuard can help you control the populations of different ticks around your property, ensuring that both the humans and pets living there are safe from a dreaded tick bite and any negative consequences that come with one.