How Bad Is It To Have Mice In My Huntsville, AL Home?

house mouse in the attic

If you were thinking about which animal species are dependent on humans for their survival, you’d probably think about the many species that can be kept as pets, such as dogs and cats. However, there is another prevalent species in the area that has become dependent on humans to thrive. The house mouse is this mammal, and while some people do keep them as pets, even the wild mice around the area have learned to rely on humans for shelter and access to food and water.

For these reasons, mice are some of the most common home-invading pests in Huntsville, and it’s important to know about the dangers they can bring.

How To Spot A House Mouse

The house mouse is rather small and only gets to be around four to six inches long when you count the tail. Many people have a hard time telling mice and rats apart, but there are a few key differences. 

First, mice are smaller, but they are also less sturdy in build and have slimmer, pointier faces than rats do. Second, mice have longer, thinner tails in proportion to their bodies. Third, mice have larger ears and eyes compared to their bodies than rats do.

What Makes House Mice Dangerous?

It’s easy to assume that these little mice aren’t that big of a deal. They can look rather cute (unless you’re scared of rodents that is). But, even if you find mice adorable, the problems they cause for homeowners aren’t so sweet.

Mice are carriers of many different illnesses, including salmonella, hantavirus, and rat-bite fever. In fact, they can even make you sick through the things they leave behind, such as their fur, urine, and droppings, as these build up and lead to respiratory concerns like asthma and allergies.

Mice are also highly prolific, so if you’ve seen one mouse, there are likely many more that you’re not seeing. Their infestations can grow out of control, and trying to prevent mice isn’t an easy feat. However, while they are a bit of a challenge, you can take some effective steps against them.

How To Reduce The Chances Of A Mouse Problem

Mice can fit through holes the size of a dime, and they can also chew through many materials such as plastic, drywall, wires, and even wood. This makes keeping them out of the house extremely hard, but there are ways to make your property less appealing to them, such as:

  • Keeping pet food stored inside.
  • Getting lids for all trash cans.
  • Cleaning up food and drink spills right away.
  • Removing excess humidity by fixing leaky faucets.
  • Clearing up yard debris, including dead leaves, grass clippings, mulch, and old wood.
  • Removing clutter from inside the house and around the yard. 
  • Sealing up holes in the walls and foundation using steel wool.
  • Reaching out to rodent control experts.

Getting Rid Of Mouse Infestations

While mice are difficult to keep out, they are way harder to actually eliminate. There are products marketed toward DIY mouse control, but they will often only get some of the individuals, not the entire infestation.

The most effective way to both prevent and remove mouse problems is with assistance from EnviroGuard. Our pest professionals can handle any mouse infestation, even if it’s become large and all-consuming. Find out more by giving us a call.