How Bad Is It To Have Drywood Termites On My Waco Property?

drywood termites eating wood

Any termite that invades properties can be difficult to deal with and extremely destructive, but most people think about subterranean termites when they imagine infestations. However, there is another type of termite that can invade area homes and businesses and wreak havoc.

Drywood termites can also destroy all kinds of wooden items and materials throughout a building or outside of it, and they can eat through everything from flooring and furniture to drywall and support beams. For these reasons, drywood termites are some of the most destructive pests you could encounter around Waco, and there are some differences between them and other termites you should know. 

What Are Drywood Termites?

Subterranean termites need a high amount of humidity to thrive, but drywood termites do not. This allows them to live in areas that usually aren't associated with termite problems. They don't require a lot of moisture in the soil or around a property as other termites do.

Drywood termites do look similar to their other termite relatives, but there are a few differences. Drywood termites are usually a light pale brown color, while subterranean termites typically get a bit darker. However, this species' alates, or winged termites, can be more of a transparent or greyish color. The worker and soldier termites, which do not have wings, are less likely to be seen than the termite alates.

Signs Of Drywood Termite Activity

While it is useful to know what termites look like, there are other signs of drywood termites to be on the lookout for that might show up a lot earlier than seeing the bugs themselves.

Another difference between drywood termites and their subterranean cousins is that drywood varieties often get into homes through vents, rooflines, or other holes around the exterior of a building. In contrast, subterranean termites usually get indoors through soil to wood contact.

Here are some specific signs of drywood termites to check for:

  • Fecal pellets known as frass around walls and baseboards
  • Small pinpoint holes in wooden items
  • Floorboards that have started to squeak and buckle
  • Doors and windows fitting more tightly in their frames than they used to

 If you notice these or other signs of termites, it is important to take action right away to prevent further damage. 

The Difficulties Of DIY Termite Control

Drywood termites are one of the most invasive pests you could have around your home or business, and most DIY termite control methods will fail. Added to that, you often won't even notice you have a problem until the termites have spread throughout the building already.

Termite colonies can spiral throughout walls and under flooring, and this makes eliminating the entire infestations a challenge. However, there is one effective way to get termite control. The professionals at EnviroGuard offer ongoing residential and commercial pest control services that will swiftly eliminate these destructive pests.

Future Drywood Termite Prevention Tips

Overall, the simplest way to prevent termites throughout the year is with professional assistance from EnviroGuard, but you can also take some measures on your own to deter them. 

Start by removing entry points around the property by sealing cracks in the walls and foundation and repairing broken screens. Then, check over any wooden items for signs of termite damage before bringing them into your building. Last of all, always store wood piles at least 30 feet away from the building's exterior.

For more assistance with drywood termite prevention, contact our team today. We also offer quotes, and you can schedule an appointment at a time that works for you.