Effective Home Pest Control: Tips And Techniques From The Pros In Lubbock

baking supplies in a kitchen

Having a pest infestation in your home can cause a lot of problems for you in a short amount of time. While some pests may seem more innocent than others, it is never safe to have wild rodents, insects, and other animals living in your home with you. Many pests have sharp teeth and claws used to dig through the ground or bite through hard surfaces found in nature. When they are inside your home, they can use their sharp and strong claws and teeth to tear through your personal belongings as well as parts of your home. 

In Lubbock, Texas, keeping pests out of a home can be a full-time job that requires a lot of time, planning, and regular inspections. At EnviroGuard, we offer a variety of pest control services. Whether it is a destructive pest or a seasonal invader, we know just how to solve your unique pest problem. 

Identifying Common Home Pests: A Visual Guide

There are many types of pests that you are likely to see inside your home. While some pests are seasonal invaders, meaning they only come out at certain times of the year, many insects, rodents, and other pests will cause problems throughout the year. Some of the different pests that our local pest control experts have to deal with include:

  • Spiders
  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Wasps
  • Bees
  • Hornets
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Bed bugs
  • Scorpions

Most stinging insects will only cause a problem when the weather is warm outside. However, all the other pests on this list can cause a lot of hassle every month of the year. 

If you have seen any of these pests in your home, you should call a pest control company at the first sign of an infestation.

Pest Proofing Your Kitchen: Tips For A Bug-Free Cooking Space

Most pests will eat a variety of food, including old and rotten food, which is why you can typically find pests hanging around your pantry and garbage cans. Leaking faucets and water droplets left on the countertop usually provide enough water for the invading pests; this is another reason why you typically find these invasive creatures in the kitchen. 

The best way to keep any pest out of your kitchen is to ensure all food and water sources are inaccessible. Check underneath your sinks for any leaking pipes. Also, make sure to wipe out your sinks and countertops after each use. 

Many bugs and pests can easily access the food inside most common packages, so keeping all dry food in an airtight container is a good idea. You should also make sure you are taking out the trash and sweeping and mopping up any food crumbs around your home regularly. 

For the best prevention plan, you should consult a professional pest control technician who can assess the situation and provide a solution based on your unique needs. 

Seal The Deal: The Power Of Proper Home Sealing In Pest Prevention

Most pests can fit through the tiniest cracks and crevices. Even mice and rats can squeeze through openings only a few millimeters wide. To keep pests out of your home, our local pest control company always checks the outside of the house during an inspection. We look for any cracks or crevices and suggest using caulking or another type of durable material to seal up any potential entrances. 

Peace Of Mind: The Stress-Free Benefits Of Professional Pest Control

At EnviroGuard, we have over 40 years of combined experience in the pest control industry. We have been serving Lubbock and the surrounding areas for years and understand the most effective way to stop the common pests in their tracks. 

If you are looking for a knowledgeable and friendly pest control company, give us a call today.