What You Need To Know About The Fleas That Live In San Antonio

flea on human skin

If you have pets, you have most likely encountered fleas. They are small parasites without wings that devour the blood of warm-blooded mammals like dogs and cats. Fleas are flat with two antennae and six legs, and are usually brown or dark red. They are easy to see, although sometimes mistaken for specks of dirt, and hard to catch because they move quickly and can jump into the air as high as eight inches. Fleas spread various diseases and can transmit tapeworms and cause anemia in pets, which is why active flea management is an important component of pet care. Read on to find out more about fleas and pest control in San Antonio.

The Factors That Attract Fleas To Residential Homes

What attracts fleas to residential homes? The most popular place for fleas is outside, where there are things that attract skunks, raccoons, rodents, and other eligible hosts.

  • Standing water
  • Bird and animal feeders
  • Garbage receptacles that aren't well-sealed
  • Overgrown grass
  • Unpruned shrubs and bushes
  • Dense landscaping
  • Leaf and wood piles

To prepare for flea infestation treatment and avoid future invasions, make sure to keep toys, clothing, and stored items off of the floor. Vacuum regularly, including under cushions, rugs, and furniture, and make sure to seal and dispose of the vacuum bag promptly. If you have pets, wash their bedding routinely. Place pets on a year-round flea prevention program under the guidance of their vet.

What Fleas Need To Live

Fleas cannot survive more than a few days without a host, but they can live up to three or four months if they have a warm-blooded animal to feed from. They feed on approximately 15 microliters of blood, which takes an average of eight hours of feeding per day. Before they can reproduce, fleas require a meal and mate soon after they are satiated. Flea larvae have just one or two weeks to find a host after they leave their cocoon, or they will perish. Fleas are referred to as "hitchhikers" or "freeloaders." They sneak into our yards and homes of our furry friends, and once they are indoors, they hide in furniture, beds, rugs, and cracks in the floor. They sometimes bite humans, but we are not their ideal hosts.

Why Do Fleas Bite People?

Although fleas prefer furry animal hosts, flea bites on humans are possible. Any warm-blooded mammal is considered to be on the menu for fleas. They will usually opt for our furry friends, but when humans are the only meal available, they will not hesitate to feed on us. Fleas can make their way into pet-free homes by hitchhiking into our yard on the backs of wild animals or sneak into our homes in our clothing or by way of a picnic blanket. Flea bites are often found on areas where the edge of clothing meets skin, such as ankles, legs, knees, elbows, and waist. Flea bite marks are small, usually appear in groups of three or four or in a straight line, and can be itchy and painful. If needed, you can use calamine lotion or anesthetic cream. If allergic to their saliva, it's possible to develop dermatitis or "flea rash." If this happens, it's best to reach out to your doctor so they can recommend an appropriate treatment.

EnviroGuard's Plan To Keep Your Home Flea-Free!

The best way to get rid of fleas is to contact a licensed pest removal company as soon as possible. EnviroGuard offers attention to detail, knowledge about local pests, effective treatment techniques, affordable pricing, and quick turnaround time. We provide stellar service to all of our clients. By partnering with EnviroGuard, you'll ensure your family and furry loved ones stay safe from fleas and other pests. Give us a call today to learn more about our pest control services!